A Blog for Women Over 30 and Our Little Sisters


When we crossed the threshold of 30 we carried with us the lessons, victories, and heartache of self-exploration and realization. Now, as we look towards the horizon of our future, shaped by experience, softened by tears of joy and sorrow, our eyes are clear, our expectations are high, and a new dawn beckons.

This blog is inspired in part by the Morganite Crystal - a rare pink beryl gem that is hard to attain, only grows in small quantities, and is always in the presence of other gems. It is a heart chakra stone, characterized by inner healing and nurturing relationships to enhance your self-love, self-respect, and self-care.

31 is the age of the founder at the time this blog was created, and in numerology it represents pragmatic creativity. At this age, we have shed a lot of our naivety and it has made us wiser. We approach life with a creative point of view that is sharpened by practicality.

We are women - entering our prime, leading with love, leaning into our sisterhoods, trusting ourselves, and stepping into the abundance promised to us.


Morgan A. Paden | Founder

At the time of this post I am the sole writer at 31Crystals. I take the lessons of my three decades and conversations with my sisters to curate a place to express the truths and triumphs of women my age. My hope is that this space is a hub for healing, resonance, and community among women. So many of our stories are the same - our hurts and our happiness. I hope I represent you as I represent myself - with honesty, vulnerability, and intention.

Much love, Morgan